The much requested All Is Well Series - CD1 - This is the first CD of the 2 CD All Is Well set. Potent Uplifting Dialogue. Robert Adams discusses why "All is Well and Everything is Unfolding As It Should. The emptiness, the void is not illumination. It is simply a quieting of the human mind. You must go further. True Illumination is indescribable omniscient love, harmony, deep bliss, the peace that does not change. This is God. The Supreme. Within and without." A daily deeply uplifting, rare sharing of topic content.
$4.95 Close Add to CartNEW- The much requested All Is Well Series - CD2 - This is the second CD of the 2 CD All Is Well set. Potent Uplifting Dialogue. Robert Adams discusses why "All is Well and Everything is Unfolding As It Should. The emptiness, the void is not illumination. It is simply a quieting of the human mind. You must go further. True Illumination is indescribable omniscient love, harmony, deep bliss, the peace that does not change. This is God. The Supreme. Within and without." A daily deeply uplifting, rare sharing of topic content.
$4.95 Close Add to CartThe Beautiful original Silence of the Heart Dialogues CD1
A classic entreaties to consider truth and ponder the pathway back to freedom from suffering.
$4.95 Close Add to CartHow To Discover Your True Nature.
"No Longer will you be frightened by this world. You will awaken and be free"
Robert Adams
$4.95 Close Add to CartA beautiful emanation of the Masters gentle uplifting transmission in revelatory clarification, welcoming guidance, and warm peaceful power of divine presence. "You can't be hurt any longer" Robert Adams original Pure Form Talks in the Vol 3 CD#2 offering. Robert Adams Institute nonprofit
$4.95 Close Add to CartAccelerated Unfoldment - "Let go of your problems and God will take care of everything for you." Expanding To the True Unlimited Source in Peace - 'Awakening' in the original definition, and what your your true experience is Free Yourself from Enslavement - The Alleviation of Suffering: Modify Your Thinking - Remove fear, there is nothing that will harm you.
$4.95 Close Add to CartYour real Nature - Robert Adams
In this live narrative, Robert goes deeper to discuss -
You are consciousness. "You are sat-chit-ananda. You are absolute reality, pure awareness. That is your real nature and that’s who you are. You are not the I. And the way you find out your real nature is by following the personal I to its source. Finding the source from where the I arises... As you practice these things you're practicing pure meditation, and you will be free. " Robert Adams
$4.95 Close Add to CartDon't React to the World
In this live narrative Robert Adams breaks down the illusion of separateness in thoughts in human nature. The word Enlightenment only exists with students in order to explain that there is a state beyond the so-called norm. A state of total transcendence. Robert Adams explains There is only the liberated Self and you are that. That liberated being is resting in his true nature. Robert Adams reveals the nature of the world and discusses the true nature of the Self, stating "Everything will take care of itself and All is Well."
A student asks Robert Adams a question How do you feel about Bhakti? The relationship between Atma Vichara (Self Inquiry) and Bhakti are discussed as well as additional answers from student questions questions.
Robert Adams discusses how to prepare for Self Inquiry to get control of the body.
$4.95 Close Add to CartRobert Adams explains the deeper meaning of the Four Principles and how to apply them in daily life. He explains the methods to use to incorporate these principles into your thought process and feelings in order to overcome the obstacles and achieve advancements to the realization of your true nature. Although the message is profound, the environment is casual and open allowing the listener to feel like they are present and part of the discussions.
$4.95 Close Add to CartAccelerated Unfoldment - "Let go of your problems and God will take care of everything for you." Expanding To the True Unlimited Source in Peace - 'Awakening' in the original definition, and what your your true experience is Free Yourself from Enslavement - The Alleviation of Suffering: Modify Your Thinking - Remove fear, there is nothing that will harm you.
$4.95 Close Add to CartThe All Is Well Series II CD #1 Robert Speaks the truth about each one of us. “Everyone here is absolute reality, pure awareness. This is your Real Nature right now, not sometime in the future, not when you get enlightened, not when you search for the answers, but right this minute. This is what you are.“
$4.95 Close Add to CartRobert speaks the truth about each one of us. “Everyone here is absolute reality, pure awareness. This is your Real Nature right now, not sometime in the future, not when you get enlightened, not when you search for the answers, but right this minute. This is what you are.“ "When you think about yourself do you think you are a puny human that has to struggle for existence and fight for survival? As long as you believe this that's the way it is going to be for you. But as soon as you accept the truth about your Self, that you are a delight, divine, Satchitananda you will be free. You simply have to accept it."
$4.95 Close Add to CartSilence of the Heart by Robert Adams Vol 1 CD #2
“The world becomes real to you. People are just other human beings to you. You forget that there are no others. And that you are the One. And that One is pure intelligence, divine harmony, Satchitananda, Para Brahman.” Robert Adams
The Silence of the Heart truth Series continues
$4.95 Close Add to CartThe Silence of the Heart Series continues Vol2 CD#2
Deep wisdom from the highest truth is provided herein:
" will be under the illusion of karma and reincarnation. You will appear to take on body after body after body until you give up the belief that you are the body. Become free now. Do not resist." Robert Adams
$4.95 Close Add to CartThe All is Well Truth Series continues;
"You are not what you think you are. Investigate. Find out. Discover for yourself. You are not what you think you are. You must stop identifying with your human-hood. You must stop believing that you are flesh and bone." Robert Adams
$4.95 Close Add to CartAll is Well by Robert Adams Vol3 CD 2
“Leave the world alone. There is a greater power than you that knows how to take care of the world. Concentrate on your Self. If you understand who you are you will understand what the world is too, and you will love the world. As Brahman. As the Self. Do not dwell too much on the negative. Concentrate on the source. Which is absolute reality. Pure Consciousness.” Robert Adams
$4.95 Close Add to CartA Glimpse of Consciousness
Consciousness is the Substratum of all Existence
“If you had a taste of just a glimpse of consciousness you would be so happy, so blissful, so at peace with yourself and life you wouldn't understand what you would become. If you would only taste a glimpse of this consciousness. You would not think of hurting anyone, you do not feel to go to war, you don't think that this is mine, this is mine this belongs to me. There will never be a you and a me. There will only be one. And that one is everything and everybody. And this is just a glimpse of consciousness.” Robert Adams continues in detail about the Self and Consciousness being the same. You have the freedom to choose consciousness or the things of this world. Robert explains pre-destination. Karma is discussed with deep understanding. Robert Adams discusses dreaming in sleep and the mortal dream. Robert discusses following the I thought, discovering where it originated.
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