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Dreamspace Publishing


Power Tools for Power Kids - ebook $10.00

Power Tools for Power Kids offers practical tools to use intuition and inner guidance efficiently, to find stillness and inner power, to self-manage and to consciously direct energy, within and without, to practice various navigation and interconnection tools that will support and protect young people on their way through the modern-day-life jungle. Many of the tools are based on ancient shamanic or age-old well-tested practices such as Yoga, Qi Gong, TM, and other mindfulness methods. They all help to bring balance and are especially useful in our Western societies with their focus on intellectual and physical development and education. 

The Power Tools will empower (not only) children to 

• balance themselves when they are upset, challenged, bored, hurt, sad, angry, restless, fearful, worried, unhappy, unwell • listen to their intuition and receive guidance "from within" 

• focus and concentrate their energies • draw strength and inspiration from within themselves 

• gain emotional, mental and physical balance • be self-confident • cope better with life's challenges 

• improve relationship and social skills 

• be proactive and express themselves in their own unique way 

• access their power center from which creativity and self-management arise 

Power Tools for Power Kids is more than a meditation, guided imagery or mindfulness manual for young ones. It is an in depths publication that offers a compilation of practical exercises and information for various age groups covering a wide range of topics and media such as breathing, visualisation, extrasensory perception, ritual & energy work, arts & crafts and much more.

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Dance into an Inner Light - ebook $5.00

Balancing and focussing techniques for children (ages 5-12)

Envisioned as an inspirational guide for parents, educators, therapists, and any member of the public interested in sharing valuable : tools and life skills with young people, this book offers practical examples of how to get started and shows you how to incorporate these effective techniques in your everyday life.

No matter if at school, with friends, family, when doing sports, dealing with challenging situations – using these tools will empower your children in many ways and help them to find their centre of power and balance and to fulfil their dreams.

Read more: https://www.power-tools-for-power-kids.com/dance-into-an-inner-light.html

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Tanze ins Licht - ebook DEUTSCH $5.00

Tanze ins Licht ist ein praktisches Handbuch für Kinder (5-11) und ihre Lebensbegleiter (Eltern, Groβeltern, Lehrer, Therapeuten) mit praktischen Anleitungen, die Kindern einen Weg zu innerer Balance aufzeigen. Die einfachen Übungen und Techniken sind in jahrelanger Zusammenarbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in Schulen, Therapieeinrichtungen und Kinderkrankenhäusern erprobt und entwickelt worden. Sie aktivieren die rechte Gehirnhälfte und helfen Kindern, sich zu zentrieren und sich mit ihrem inneren Kraftzentrum zu verbinden.

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Dance into an Inner Light - ebook KOREAN $5.00

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Raiti and Moonlight $4.00

Moonlight sometimes finds living all alone in a castle very stupid and boring... Until one day, she meets a fairy named Raiti. Suddenly it’s one adventure after another.

Will Moonlight be able to get a rare medicine plant from the grumpy Wizard Miraculko’s garden to heal her new friend?

Her search for the stitchwort leads Moonlight on an adventurous journey beyond the Seven Hills of Light. On the way, she gets to know not only many extraordinary creatures, but also herself. She learns to trust her path and her duty and discovers how she can deal with life’s challenges...

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Raiti und Mondlicht - ebook DEUTSCH $4.00

Raiti und Mondlicht ist die zauberhafte Geschichte der kleinen Raiti, die bei dem Versuch, ihre Freundin zu retten, einige Abenteuer besteht und zu ihrer eigenen Kraft findet. 

Eine Erzaehlung, die Selbstvertrauen und Zuversicht weckt, fuer junge und alte LeserInnen.

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